Register Now for Lifesaving World Championships

The Lifesaving World Championships are being held in Adelaide, South Australia from 16 November to 2 December 2018. We will be hosting competitors, officials, coaches, team managers and spectators from across the globe!

The Lifesaving World Championships are conducted every 2 years, showcasing excellence in surf sports and rescue; attracting the most talented and skilled surf sports and rescue people to compete for the title of World’s best.

Registrations are open now for teams and supporters. Details on how to register your teams and the fees payable are available here:

Anyone can sign up to the e-news to get information about LWC2018, click here to sign up!

Click here to download the how-to guide. Bring your partners, kids, mum, dad, siblings… take advantage of the wonderful family friendly holiday destination that is Adelaide and South Australia.