First Aid & CPR Courses
We provide First Aid and CPR training for workplaces and individuals throughout the Adelaide metropolitan area, teaching participants vital lifesaving skills and equipping them with practical knowledge to help save a life.
Surf Life Saving SA is a CITB Endorsed Training Provider*.
Why choose SLSSA for First Aid and CPR training?
Surf Life Saving SA is a nationally recognised First Aid and CPR training provider. Medical and technical advisory committees consistently review our courses to ensure we’re teaching the latest skills and techniques. We have been providing first aid training to individuals and organisations for over thirty years.
Many of our Frist Aid and CPR courses are available as face-to-face sessions or with eLearning options for those that prefer to complete the theory component in their own time. Most courses require a practical assessment completed in person.
Saving lives is at the core of what we do. So who better to complete your first aid and CPR training from than the lifesaving experts?
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
The Provide First Aid course (formerly Senior or Apply First Aid) aims to develop the knowledge and skills for a person to manage emergency first aid situations and deliver competent emergency care until the arrival of professional medical support.
Participants have the choice to complete this course by either attending a full day face to face training and assessment session or completing online learning (eLearning) before attending a shorter face to face session.
On successful completion of this course, you will receive a nationally recognised training statement of attainment for the following units of competency:
HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid is valid for three years however HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be updated annually.
This course is subsidised for approved CITB Members, prices are listed below. If you would like to enrol as a CITB Member into this course and access the subsidy please call us on 8354 6900.
HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
This course teaches participants the essential principles, skills, and knowledge to maintain or restore breathing and circulation. It will equip you with an understanding of to apply basic emergency life support for adults, children and infants until professional medical support arrives.
Upon completing this course, you will receive a nationally recognised training statement of attainment for HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation. We recommend this qualification be renewed annually.
This course is subsidised for approved CITB Members, prices are listed below. If you would like to enrol as a CITB Member into this course and access the subsidy please call us on 8354 6900.
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support
This course will provide participants with the basic skills and knowledge to recognise and respond to life-threatening emergencies. Course content includes managing an unconscious casualty, performing CPR, controlling bleeding and managing other life-threatening situations. It covers techniques for treating adults, children and infants, equipping you with a broad range of skills to sustain life until medical help arrives.
Upon completing this course, you will receive a nationally recognised training statement of attainment for HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support.
Please call our office on 8354 6900 to enquire about our Basic Life Support courses.
HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
This specialised first aid course is designed for those who work in the education and childcare sector and parents and carers of young children. It covers general first aid training as well as managing anaphylaxis, diabetes and epilepsy, and emergency asthma training.
This course meets the regulatory requirements as stipulated by the Australian Children's Education and Care Authority.
Upon completing this course, you will receive a nationally recognised training statement of attainment for HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting.
UETDRMP007 Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel
This course is for people who work with low voltage shortboards. It is specifically designed to teach participants how to help someone being electrocuted and perform a low voltage rescue without putting their own life at risk.
Upon completing this course, you will receive a nationally recognised training statement of attainment for UETDRMP007 Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel.
This course is subsidised for approved CITB Members, prices are listed below. If you would like to enrol as a CITB Member into this course and access the subsidy please call us on 8354 6900.
Provide First Aid and CPR Courses Available
HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation with eLearning
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support with eLearning
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid with eLearning
HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting with eLearning
Explore our other courses and programs
Community Programs - a range of programs for the whole community
Children’s Programs - courses just for kids!
Pool Based Courses & Services - keeping people safe around the pool
VacSwim - water safety for primary school kids
First Aid Training & Supplies - Buy supplies online
*CITB Endorsed Training Provider
The CITB provides funding for Eligible Persons employed in the SA building and construction industry to complete training that promotes increased productivity, career opportunities, personal satisfaction and a healthy and safe environment within the building and construction industry. The CITB subsidised training is delivered by CITB Endorsed Training Providers (ETP).
Surf Life Saving SA is excited to announce that we have been successful as a CITB Endorsed Training Provider with the Construction Skills Training Program. This means we have allocated funded places to facilitate your training needs. As long as you have a CITB number you will receive this training at a reduced cost. Enrol now!
The below costs indicate the full course price and the CITB subsidy received:
Course Name: HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Full Course Cost: $59
CITB Subsidy: $50
Cost to CITB Member: No charge
Course Name: UETDRMP007 Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel
Full Course Cost: $100
CITB Subsidy: $80
Cost to CITB Member: No charge
Course Name: HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
Full Course Cost: $150 for eLearning and $170 for full day
CITB Subsidy: $110
Cost to CITB Member: $50
CITB is a whole-of-industry led organisation that provides support to attract, train and retain South Australian building and construction workers by providing leadership in training and skills development.
provides access to subsidised training for apprentices, their employers and workers in the industry;
promotes and supports careers in construction;
advises the SA Government on industry training;
supports training, innovation, research and planning;
attracts our future workforce through vocational training in schools by supporting the doorways2construction™ program.
The objective of CITB’s Short Course Training program is to raise the level of skill in the construction industry workforce by engaging Eligible Persons in training and skill development activities. CITB facilitates training opportunities and endeavours to ensure that CITB funded training meets both quality standards and industry requirements.
Each financial year, Eligible Persons with an approved CITB number can obtain up to $3,000 of training subsidies off any CITB endorsed short course, with a CITB endorsed training provider.
To obtain the short course subsidises, an approved CITB number must be provided to the training provider upon enrolment.
Registered Training Provider
Surf Lifesaving SA is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), RTO Code 40110. Our RTO details can be found on the National Register of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia. You can read all our policies here, including our COVID-19 information, Refund Policy, Participants Handbook and Complaints/Appeal Policy.