Teachers To Trainers, Assessors & Facilitators

Evidence of Teacher Qualifications

With changes to the RTO Standards, those eligible to teach at High School can now become a member of a Club’s Education team and train under supervision after completing the SLSSA Probationary Trainer process, without undertaking a TAE Trainer skill set course.

However, if they gain the Assessors Skill Set, and complete the Probationary Trainers and Assessor process, they will be able to train and assess on their own.

To be considered for this pathway, you must provide evidence of your eligibility to teach High School in SA.  Such evidence should include your Teaching Degree listed on the aitsl site or other evidence such as:

  • a copy of your current teacher registration

  • a copy of your CV

  • official school documentation showing that you are employed there

  • a letter from the School confirming your employment.