Sea Sure Swim School a Success

Surf Life Saving SA’s new Sea Sure Swim School delivered free ocean swimming lessons to adult South Australian Migrants from over 20 countries at Glenelg Beach this Summer. The Sea Sure Swim School covered entry level swimming skills as well as basic beach safety education such as supervising children, raising an emergency alarm and hazard identification.

The pilot program, supported by Adelaide Airport, responded to the over representation of Migrants in South Australian rescue and drowning statistics, with more than 30% of incidents in the last decade involving an International Tourist or a new Australian. Public response to the program was overwhelming with all 60 places snapped up within 24 hours of registrations opening.

“The Sea Sure Swim School has been a great success and a joyful experience for everyone involved” said Surf Life saving SA’s Community Partnerships Manager Sita Bacher.

“We have had people from all around the world come together with the common desire to enjoy the beach safely. Most of the participants are regular beach goers but had never entered the water because they didn’t know how to do it safely” she said.

“It’s been wonderful to see how confident they have become over the weeks. The instructors have done a brilliant job working with different skill levels and language and cultural barriers but the group have been so enthusiastic that mostly it’s been smiles all around as we share our love of the ocean” said Ms Bacher.

The Sea Sure Swim School is one of the first steps on Surf Life Saving SA’s diversity and inclusion pathway which aims to provide future opportunities for participants to pursue ongoing involvement with Surf Life Saving.

“Surf Life Saving SA are looking for new ways to broaden our diversity of Membership across the board and the Sea Sure Swim School is just one example of how we are working to connect with all segments of our community and get people involved with Surf Lifesaving. This group in particular is full of motivated individuals who would make exceptional lifesavers so we are hoping they will continue their journey with us and go on to join a Club and train for their Bronze Medallion” said Ms Bacher.

Surf Life Saving SA hope to extend the program next year and are looking for community partners to help us; connect with participants, translate resources, fundraise and promote the program.

If you would like to help please contact