Ingrid Cobiac re-appointed as SLSA National Deputy Chair of Education

Surf Life Saving SA would like to congratulate Ingrid Cobiac (Brighton SLSC) for her re-appointment as the SLSA National Deputy Chair of Education for a two-year term.

This important role provides support to the Chair of Education, Tracey Hare-Boyd - SLSNSW, in the leadership of the national education committee to promote effective decision making. The Deputy Chair will take responsibility for projects which assist and inform the overall strategic development and growth of the SLSA education area to meet SLSA strategic priorities.

This appointment is a credit to Ingrid’s commitment and broad understanding of member education in South Australia, and her dedication to quality and improvement across education and surf life saving at a national level.

In addition to this position, Ingrid is also a Chief Instructor, and Club and State Trainer and Assessor.