Surf Talk host, Ross Smith, is joined by SLSSA Head of Commercial Training, Sally-Ann Prince, to discuss the commercial training offerings at Surf Life Saving SA.
Surf Life Saving SA delivers a number of commercial courses, including First Aid, CPR, Pool Lifeguard, Pool Operators and Boat License courses. The organisation works with schools, banks, sporting organisations, allied health, construction councils, and different types of emergency services.
This episode is sponsored by FHTS - Firehouse Technologies.
Ross Smith:
Hi, I'm Ross Smith. Welcome to Surf Talk, Surf Lifesaving South Australia's podcast. Every fortnight we'll be releasing new episodes of Surf Talk. We'll be talking everything surf lifesaving, what we're about, what we do and all the stuff on the way. We'll be interviewing people about amazing stuff they've done from rescues to their achievements and everything in between. Everything you need to know about Surf Lifesaving South Australia, it's here at Surf Talk. Before we get into the program today, this episode five is brought to you by FHTS, one of South Australia's leading technology firms. You'll hear about those guys a bit later in our program. We appreciate their sponsorship. So our special guest today is Sally-Ann Prince, who is head of the commercial training team in Surf Lifesaving South Australia. Hi, Sally-Ann. Welcome to Surf Talk.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Hi, Ross. Thanks so much for having me on the Surf Talk podcast. I'm actually really excited to share with our listeners this side of Surf Lifesaving, which I think a lot of people don't actually know exists.
Ross Smith:
I think you're right, actually. So let's see if we can get some information out there for sort of people that don't have a clue what we do.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yeah, well, as you said, my name's Sally-Ann. I'm head of the commercial training. My background, I've actually always been in training and I've worked with registered training organisations for over 20 years in a number of different fields. But I've been with Surf now for five years. And essentially, I guess my role is to ensure that SLSSA deliver quality commercial training and effectively managing the registered training organisation part of the business and actually just growing our commercial training offerings.
Ross Smith:
So we're an RTO, just like a registered training organisation, just like any other first aid training provider, yes?
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yes. Yep. Very similar to all those other registered training organisations out there, your St. John's and those sorts of things. So we deliver all the accredited training, the same as, yeah, everyone else.
Ross Smith:
So I'm guessing some of our listeners, who might not know much about the commercial training side, so can you tell the people listening what we offer?
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yeah, absolutely. It's actually a bit of a topic of conversation whenever I talk to people and they say, what do you do? And I say, I work for Surf Life Saving SA. They're always like, oh, what club are you at? And all that sort of stuff. And I'm like, oh, I'm actually not to do with any of the clubs. And yet then obviously try and explain to people that we do actually deliver a number of commercial courses. These include first aid, CPR, pool lifeguard, pool operators. And one of our latest additions is delivering boat licence courses, which has been really, really successful in Adelaide and even regional areas. And basically what we do is we work with businesses to upskill their employees. They gain life-saving skills in first aid, CPR, pool lifeguard. And we've worked with schools, banks, sporting organisations, allied health, construction councils, and even different types of emergency services.
Ross Smith:
That's fantastic. Yeah. Look, I know we have a lot to offer in the commercial space. It's our training workplace accredited. So can some corporation or organisation give us a call and instead of going to one of those other organisations, come in and do first aid with us?
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yeah, absolutely. That's exactly what we do. So all the workplace accredited, I guess it used to be called the old senior first aid, which a lot of people refer it to. Yeah, but it's obviously now provide first aid. So we meet all the industry requirements. We offer the provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation. So your CPR and that's your annual update. So we offer those courses here annually. And then your provide first aid course needs to be refreshed every three years. And we offer both of those courses and the participants will receive a nationally recognised statement of attainment for that unit of competency. And that meets all their requirements for their workplace.
Ross Smith:
And that's what they need for workplace.
Sally-Ann Prince:
That's what they need for workplace. Yeah, absolutely.
Ross Smith:
All right. Great. So what qualifications do our trainers need to have to deliver these specific or respective courses?
Sally-Ann Prince:
So all of our trainers will hold the certificate for and workplace training and assessment, which is the minimum most updated qualification you can have. They obviously all will have the unit of competency they're delivering. But one of the main, I guess, real benefits of being with surf lifesaving and having your training here is so many of our trainers are actually surf lifesavers themselves. So they're experts in saving lives. They've had lots of experience, you know, being exposed to a lot of different scenarios and things. And they really bring that into the training when they're actually running the courses, which we find people absolutely love.
Ross Smith:
Yeah, I guess it's one of our point of differences, isn't it? I mean, there are a lot of first aid providers out there that are really cheap and really high end, expensive. We're sort of middle of the road, I guess, price wise. But the experience that we offer, I guess, all of our trainers have some form of experience in their perspective field, as you said. And lifesavers, they're on the beach, they're doing it.
Sally-Ann Prince:
They're doing this every weekend pretty much throughout summer as well, whether it's just someone just needs a bandaid or they're actually rescuing someone from the water. So they really are exposed to this type of training that they're then giving to the participants. They're exposed to it all the time. So they really can draw on those scenarios.
Ross Smith:
Which makes it more real, doesn't it?
Sally-Ann Prince:
Ross Smith:
If you're textbook training, people see through textbook training, but when you've got someone there that's gone, hey, I've done this for real.
Sally-Ann Prince:
I've been there, I've experienced this.
Ross Smith:
Yeah, it makes such a difference.
Sally-Ann Prince:
It does. And I think that's a lot of times what our participants get more from our training is the life experiences that our trainers can offer. And it really hits home that, wow, this actually can happen. And it has happened to these people. And they've just got those experiences to share.
Ross Smith:
Yeah, I guess a lot of people just see surf lifesaving as patrols on the beach. And they don't know much about this commercial site. Hence, we're bringing this up today. So, you know, if you're listening out there, we do every form of first aid, lifeguard, and as Sally-Ann just said, boat license training. I mean, we interviewed Stu, who's one of our key boat license educators.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Ross Smith:
And he's passionate about safety in boats.
Sally-Ann Prince:
He loves it.
Ross Smith:
That's it. And I know that one of our trainers, Amanda, who's one of the head trainer here, she's absolutely passionate about passing on her. She's still an active member and patrol member. And I think she's also an inflatable rubber boat driver. So, she's into surf in a big way. And she loves passing on her knowledge. And I think that's such a great atmosphere to have in a training room when someone's not just reading it to you. They're saying, hey, this is how it is in the real world. And we can make a difference. And first, though, it's not that hard in essence.
Sally-Ann Prince:
No. And it's obviously not the most exciting topic for a lot of people. And as you said, it's a workplace requirement. So, people just want to come in, get the certificate and go. But if you can walk out of that room and just have a little bit more, I guess, awareness, and you take on that passion that our trainers, like, I believe that's one of our biggest differences and sets us apart from our competitors is our trainers. Like, they are just so passionate about what they do. And they just want to share that. And I mean, we still make sure that we're ensuring our trainers continue to do all the professional development. They update their skills annually. You know, we meet all the necessary industry requirements and all that sort of thing. But their passion just really comes across when they're facilitating training.
Ross Smith:
Yeah, I've watched. I've been in the class and updated myself. It's fantastic to see. So, what about provide first aid? You know, what does that include? I know it's like you said, it's been called senior first aid, apply first aid. It goes through multiple changes in its lifetime. So, you know, that's a workplace approved course. Can you sort of explain to any workplaces listening what they're sort of going to get and why it's sort of important to have that there?
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yeah, absolutely. So, as we mentioned, Surf Life Saving SA is a nationally recognised first aid and CPR training provider. We offer the most up-to-date first aid, CPR, nationally recognised training. So, we obviously have government standards we've got to follow and abide by as well. And yes, that provide first aid, well, I still sometimes we do get the phone calls going, do you run a senior first aid? Which was many, many years ago, but it is now called just provide first aid. And really what that does is it really aims to develop, I guess, the knowledge and skills for a person to manage an emergency situation, deliver emergency care until your professional medical support can arrive. When we do our first aid course, this also includes the CPR component training. So, everyone with the CPR must be updated annually. So, if they attend to provide first aid, you will automatically get that CPR training. And there actually is a lot of extensions to first aid. So, we have that first aid. We do offer a few different ones as well. So, an extension to this is also provide first aid in an education and care setting. So, this is a specialised first aid course and it's designed for those who work in the education and childcare sector. But even just parents and carers of young children, it just goes into a little bit more, you get to do resuscitation on a child as well as the adult and infant. You look at asthma and anaphylaxis responses and things like that. So, it's really great for even just parents out there and other carers who just need that little bit extra when looking after, you know, our young.
Ross Smith:
Yeah. I mean, I'd encourage anyone, particularly a parent, if you know, to come and learn first aid.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Oh, absolutely.
Ross Smith:
We talked about water safety in a couple of these episodes, but yeah, first aid is so important.
Sally-Ann Prince:
It is, yes.
Ross Smith:
And that would be a good course for parents to do because like you said, it's tailored and sort of contextualised around children.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Absolutely. And it's that thing too. Like, I'm a mother myself and I think I always used to do first aid for, I guess, by work requirement. But then once you have children, I was like, oh my God, I want to know how do I do resuscitation? What do I do if someone's choking and all that? It just becomes a lot more real that you're, you know, responsible for these little people and you want to be able to know what to do. So, it's great that we offer that. And yes, especially, like I said, parents. And that's why I love too. And that's what people don't know is that yes, just any member of the public can come here to our public courses, do first aid, you know, and learn these sort of life-saving skills.
Ross Smith:
Yeah. So, we have corporate courses where we go to corporations and we'll talk about that a bit later on. And we also have public courses scheduled. So, people can just contact us and we'll do the contact details a bit later and come in. So, I suppose the courses for, when you look about a workplace course, that provides the confidence that the employer has people on staff that knows what to do if something goes wrong with a member of their staff or a member of the public coming into the workplace. And also, the other one, provide first aid for a childcare setting. That's fantastic for anyone that works in that childcare industry.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yeah. That's right. And we've just started- Teachers. Teachers. Yep. So, we do a lot of training at schools. We've had childcare centres ring up and they're like, oh, you can, it's now a requirement they have to do the education and care settings. So, the basic first aid one is not enough. They do need to do that. So, yeah, we obviously can offer that to all the different childcare settings, you know, all around Adelaide and yeah, doing a lot in schools as well. So, they're actually, like I said, it's actually funny that we just kind of think it's first aid, but there are those different sections. We actually also run another type of training, which is perform rescue from a live low voltage panel. And this course is for those who work with low voltage short boards and it's designed to teach participants to help someone who's, unfortunately, if they've been electrocuted and perform a low voltage rescue without obviously putting their own life at risk. So, Surf Lifesaving actually delivers those courses. We actually have been successful as a, what's called a CITB endorsed training provider. And that's with the Construction Skills Training Program. And what this means is that we've actually got allocated funding places to facilitate training needs for CITB participants. And as long as they've got a CITB number, they can actually receive the live low voltage panel training, even first aid and CPR at a reduced cost. Some is actually even free training.
Ross Smith:
Right. So, the Construction Industry Training Board, they fund some of this training. So, anyone that's an electrician out there listening to this or work in the electrical industry in any way whatsoever, I understand this is a mandated course. They have to do it every 12 months to keep their license.
Sally-Ann Prince:
It is. Yep. Same as they might CPR every 12 months. They must do it to keep their electrical license.
Ross Smith:
It has a CPR. I've often heard it called resource and rescue. Yes. I think the trade calls it that. So, and we offer that, which is fantastic.
Ross Smith:
So, like I said, when you break down what we offer, we offer a significant amount that people may not be aware of. Like, so they see Surf Lifesaving and speak at the beach.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Absolutely. Yep.
Ross Smith:
They're like, that's right. We are doing all these nationally accredited courses.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Ross Smith:
Look, Sally, I'm going to take a short break and we're going to hear from our sponsor. And when we come back, we'll have a chat about how flexible our training courses and our deliveries is.
Sponsor Message:
This episode of the Surf Lifesaving SA podcast is proudly brought to you by FHTS, one of South Australia's own and leading technology firms. FHTS develops innovative software solutions to solve real-world business challenges using safe AI and data analytics. Whether it's about understanding your own data to make better decisions or enhancing operations with your own AI co-pilot, FHTS has the expertise to deliver. With an extended team of over 100 qualified engineers and consultants, FHTS track record includes successful collaborations with private and public sector clients globally, including notable projects like Mortar AI. FHTS's team holds hundreds of certifications, ensuring the delivery of the highest quality solutions, no matter the complexity of the challenge. If a problem can be solved with software, FHTS will find a way. FHTS wants to be your long-term partner and grow together with your business. FHTS.
Ross Smith:
Hi, so welcome back. After a little talk, thank you for our sponsor there. It helps us keep these programs running. Just a couple of things. What sort of delivery methods do we have in our training? Is it online? Is it face-to-face or is it like a blended version of that? Can you explain to our listeners about that for me, please?
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yeah, absolutely. We offer a lot of flexible delivery options for businesses. We offer a lot of people to attend our amazing facilities here at West Beach. Not quite the training room, but you get to go out in the veranda if you have a break and you have a little view of the ocean. We've got plenty of car parking and that sort of thing. So, we have those here at West Beach, but real benefit is having our knowledgeable and experienced trainers actually coming to your own organisation during the day or evening to facilitate first-day training. So, there's two different, I guess, delivery modes that participants can choose and that's either a full-day training and that's where all the training and the assessment is done in that whole day.
Ross Smith:
And this is for say provide first-day, which is the minimum workplace standard course.
Sally-Ann Prince:
It is. And that's a, basically, that goes from 9am to 5pm. You come in, you don't need any prerequisites or anything like that. Come in, you learn all the training and do all the assessment during that full day. The other option we have is sort of, I guess, our blended learning, which is where there's an online component. What that involves is that before you actually attend the course, we send through booking confirmations to people with a link and they actually will watch videos and answer a certain amount of questions online. So, they actually do that and what that does is that then reduces the time needed for them to spend at the actual face-to-face training and that reduces it to about half a day, about four hours that they then come in and do that to actually then attend the training either here or at their workplace.
Ross Smith:
I mean, that's got to be great for busy workplaces. You know, people say, we just don't have time to get our staff into these courses. If they can just, instead of a whole day, they're locked out.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Ross Smith:
If they can just do four hours and do some online training.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Four hours and then they can go to work or they can, you know. And I think, too, it really does save, obviously, the participant and the workplace time. You know, workplaces don't have to worry about having them, you know, off the premises for the full day. Participants only just need to find four hours to complete that face-to-face component. And with the training only taking four hours, we then offer some more flexible and, I guess, a range of time. So we have morning courses like a nine to one. We have a one to five. And we actually even have evening courses from five to nine as well. So there's just a lot more flexibility, I guess, compared to that nine to five straight day training.
Ross Smith:
It makes absolute sense. If you can do some online and then do it face-to-face. I know we have to have a face-to-face component to practice CPR and bandaging and, you know, various things like that. So these courses, we don't just offer them here at our state-of-the-art training centre. We've got – we can go on site. You touched on it before. We can go to their venue.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Ross Smith:
And train there. So, well, we need a huge amount of people to be able to do that or is it small numbers?
Sally-Ann Prince:
No, not at all. And that's, I think, one thing that really makes us different, again, and sets us apart, is that our trainers actually love going to workplaces, schools, and, you know, just seeing different sort of organisations and also, again, how we can customise our training to suit those organisations. So our only requirement really are for a private – we call them like an in-house course. So it's a private course. It's only your workplace employees. We have a minimum of eight participants to attend that course. So if we get a phone call from a school or, yeah, electrical place or anything like that, let's go, oh, I've got about 10 workers here and we'd like our own first aid course. And can you come to our premises? We'll come to your premises. Like I said, we actually, with our casual pool of trainers, we offer evenings, weekends, which, you know, is something that I think a lot of people struggle to find first aid courses that fit around their schedules. Or organisations like to use this as a bit of a team building. So, you know, they might have, oh, we've worked and we want to start at one o'clock in the afternoon and can we do our first aid as a bit of a team building thing for our staff.
Ross Smith:
Great idea.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yeah, that's where we can come out to you and run that.
Ross Smith:
And does it cost more or is it the same price?
Sally-Ann Prince:
No, same price. So same price. Like I said, the only requirement is that you must have the eight participants.
Ross Smith:
Sure, yeah. To cover the training costs.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yeah, to cover the training costs and things like that. But it's just your place, you know, and it's good too because sometimes our trainers are there and they can ask the employees going, okay, where's your defib located, you know, in your organisation? And things like that. And it's interesting to find out if people don't necessarily know where their first aid equipment is. So it's great to be able to, you know, do it in their own workplace so they can associate with that. And it does.
Ross Smith:
It highlights, you know, the conditions of their workplace. What, and also specific things that may happen in that workplace, you know, trainers are qualified enough to say, hey, you work in the metal industry. You know, you're going to have lots of cuts, lots of this, you know, or whatever it may be. So that's, yeah, it's a great idea to have it on-prem. As long as they've got something suitable, put a few chairs and a PowerPoint.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yeah, that's all we need. We generally check that with the organisation. So can they offer us, we generally need a, you know, data projector and chairs. We don't need tables or anything. We just need also, I guess, a decent amount of space to be able to put the mannequins to perform CPR. But, yeah, as long as I've got that, then we head out there and run the training.
Ross Smith:
Well, I really think we're ahead of other organisations because I do know personally that some of these other organisations charge more to go on site.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yes. Yeah, they do.
Ross Smith:
And we don't do that, which is fantastic. And a minimum of eight people is wonderful.
Sally-Ann Prince:
And we actually even do this sort of training too regionally. So we have a lot of contracts with organisations and tenders that we abide by. And we then are able to offer this training to even regional areas. So when we travel regionally, we then do talk to the organisation about that there will be some travel costs involved, you know, trainers time and things like that. But we find that so many people are actually willing to pay that because, again, getting our expert trainers out to them. And we're like, yes, we will come, we'll drive three hours to train your 10 people.
Ross Smith:
And it makes such a difference to go out there rather than try and get all those people into a city somewhere.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Absolutely, all those people into the city to be able to do it and, you know, trying to work out days and times. And a lot of things we're dealing with when we're dealing with clients is that, you know, they're rosters. They're like, oh, I actually can't get 30 people in one. Could we run two sessions with 15 people each? And we're like, yep, absolutely. So we really do pride ourselves on working with our clients for what suits them best.
Ross Smith:
And from what I'm hearing, our flexibility really stands out. I mean, we are flexible in times, flexible in locations, regional areas. Regional often miss out on things going out there. And sometimes we piggyback off what lifeguard course would be first aid as well while we're out there or some other course we can do first aid. So the organisations listening out there or any company that needs for this aid, you know, give us a yell. Can we like tailor it or contextualise a little bit to suit some of these organisations?
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yes, definitely. I think that's something that, yeah, we sort of love doing as well. And because we work with so many businesses, we've realised that we, you know, that's not sort of the same thing fits everyone. So we obviously have very specific regulations we have to follow. So being a registered training organisation, we have to make sure that we cover off all the units of competency and that we're assessing everything with first aid, CPR and that sort of thing. But we really like to work with our clients to meet their individual, I guess, and organisational training needs. So a lot of things that come from our first aid is there's different scenarios. So we can customise those scenarios to make sure that it actually suits their organisation and provide them examples of this is what could happen in your workplace rather than I'm in a workplace. And let's look at an injury if you're out bushwalking. And everyone's like, well, I don't go bushwalking. I'm sitting in an office. I'd like to know what would happen in a scenario here that I'd need to attend.
Ross Smith:
With a chest pain or a napricant or something like that. We could get covered off.
Sally-Ann Prince:
And that's stuff that, yeah, we, you know, work with our clients and some people just really want, they just give us a standard course, they're fine. But knowing that there's that ability that we can tailor, you know, the training to suit their needs and provide examples and scenarios that's going to benefit them and their workplace employees.
Ross Smith:
So I guess you summed it up. I was going to say the last question was, you know, why should people come to us instead of using other providers? And a lot of people do, as you said, we've got schools, we've got organizations, we do some work for the, for SAPOL and for other organizations. So we, we've got a lot of clients, which is fantastic, but we can always do with more.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Oh, absolutely. And we also love just doing, I guess, what we call, I guess, like more of an information session. So I look at that, I guess, being in the industry, it's called, we call it non-accredited training. So there's the accredited first aid training that you have to have for your workplace requirements and things like that. But we find this really successful of having these information sessions, whereas we've even had some organizations come to us and they're like, look, our clientele are people all over 70. They might not be able to get down on the floor and perform CPR or don't really know what to do, but we just want them to learn. We want them to have some knowledge. And so, you know, it's really great that we can actually meet those needs as well. And we've recently attended a school and completed some really basic.
Ross Smith:
We did, yes.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Yeah. For school kids. I think they're aged between five and eight and nine to 12. And, you know, we just showed that we're showing a bit of CPR, I think on pillows and we were just showing them, you know, who are the safe people in your, in your life and how do you call triple zero and how to just use a mobile phone. If something's happened to mom or dad and, you know, you can pick up the phone and you can still try, you know, dial, might do most kids know your parents pin numbers. My kids certainly do, but, you know, you can pick up the phone and call triple zero. So being able to do things like that for kids or just giving them that knowledge without making it, you know, strict and it's accredited and they get a certificate and all this sort of thing. It's, we feel like giving people information is another thing that we just love to do. Exactly.
Ross Smith:
And look, if you're not in the workplace, you don't need a nationally accredited workplace certificate. But if you, a child or, or like you said, or an elderly or somewhere that wants the bit of knowledge to look after your loved one or your children, yeah, we can do talks. And like you said, they're not accredited. So it's still the same information.
Sally-Ann Prince:
You're still getting, that's right. You're still getting the same, the same information from all our trainers.
Ross Smith:
Sally-Ann Prince:
You're still getting it. It's just that it's just giving, and it's probably just put in a bit more that sort of basic form that we don't have to use all the acronyms and the fancy, you know, language, but we can just be really specific with what it is that they need to do.
Ross Smith:
Well, the basic saves lives. Sally-Ann, thank you so much. Now it's enlightened people to know that we are a registered training organisation like a few of the other big providers out there. And look, thanks for your time and joining me at Surf Talk.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Thank you. And I just want everyone to remember, I guess when you think of surf life saving, you really think that saving lives is the core of what we do. So I always like to say to people, you know, well, who better to learn vital life saving and first aid skills than the life saving experts, which is us here at Surf Life Saving.
Ross Smith:
You're a true believer and a commercial, you know, advertiser for us. So it's fantastic, Sally-Ann.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Thanks, Ross.
Ross Smith:
Thank you so much. I appreciate it.
Sally-Ann Prince:
Thank you.
Ross Smith:
So thank you, listeners, for listening to Surf Talk. If you want to learn more about our training courses or our non-accredited courses or any first aid or boat licence or any other course that we do have, go to our website. And it's forward slash courses. Click on that and have a look through what we offer. And if you want to learn more and just want to do a course for children or for a family group, call us on 83546900. So if you enjoyed the podcast, please subscribe. We get all our episodes for free. And please feel free to pass it on. We need to share this podcast around as many people as possible so we can continue doing them. So I'm Ross Smith and you've been listening to Surf Talk. Get inspired and get involved.