3000 Patrolling Members a Goal for Surf Life Saving SA

 Surf Life Saving SA hopes to see their Volunteer Patrol Force reach record levels of coverage this summer with numbers of patrolling lifesavers expected to reach in excess of 3000 for the first time in history. The commitment of Patrolling Members has been steadily increasing for the past decade and Surf Lifesaving SA hope to see the community investment continue.

 “Our goal this year is to reach 3,000 Members on patrol which means we need 300 new Bronze Medallions this season” said Surf Life Saving SA CEO Clare Harris.

“We are calling on South Australian teenagers and adults to join the Surf Life Saving Movement this Summer, it’s a great way to enjoy the beach, keep fit, make friends and help your community and everyone is welcome” said Ms Harris.

 The Bronze Medallion takes approximately 25 hours of class room training with some physical training in addition to meet the fitness component of proficiency. The fitness element is an achievable goal for people of all ages and your Club will help you work towards meeting the requirement for swimming and running through moderately paced programs.  The average SA Surf Lifesaver performs 20 volunteer hours on patrol each season which equates to 4 weekend days over the summer.

 “The Bronze Medallion is a fantastic way to get fit and learn first aid skills” said volunteer Surf Lifesaver Jesse Rafinelli. “You carry the skills to save a life with you wherever you go and the friendships I have made in Surf Lifesaving have gone way beyond the beach. Anyone with commitment can be a Surf Lifesaver, you don’t have to be an Iron Man, there are so many ways to be involved and so many different kinds of people doing it that everyone can find a place in their local Club” he said.

 Beyond the Bronze Medallion and regular beach patrol Surf Lifesaving offers Members opportunities to  train and serve with; Rescue Boards, ATV’s, Inflatable Rescue Boats, Jet Ski’s, Jet Boats, Radio Services, Drone Patrols and even the Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service.

 “I would encourage everyone who loves the beach to get involved. You can learn everything you need at your pace and Club Membership offers people access to gyms, training programs, education and mates” said Mr Rafinelli.

 Registrations for this season are open now. You can find your local Surf Lifesaving Club here: http://www.surflifesavingsa.com.au/sa-clubs/