First Day of Patrols for Season 2018/2019

Surf Life Saving SA wished all of our volunteer Surf Lifesavers a safe and successful patrol season for 2018/2019.

We remind the public to always swim between the red and yellow flags and to make sure they educate themselves to the risks before entering any body of water.

South Australian Surf Lifesavers patrol on weekends and public holidays from now until the Easter Long Weekend.

Top Safety Tips:

  • Always swim between the red and yellow flags, at beaches with patrolling lifesavers or lifeguards. The Beachsafe App can find your closest patrolled beach.

  • If you get into trouble in the water, stay calm. Signal for help, by holding up one arm and waving, float and wait for assistance.

  • Enroll in a First Aid or Aquatic Education Course or refresh your knowledge prior to the season and top up first aid kits and emergency gear.

  • Never swim alone. Tell someone where you will be and when they can expect you back. Take a charged mobile phone with you to call for help if required.

  • Read and obey the signs. Check the weather and water movement, changing conditions can present significant hazards.

  • Don't enter water or operate water craft under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  • Always check the depth of the water. Never run or dive into the water. Even if you have checked the depth, water conditions can change.

  • Be sun smart: slip, slop,  slap, seek, slide. Slip on a shirt, slop on 30+ sunscreen, slap on a brimmed hat, seek shade, slide on sunglasses. Remember to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours or after swimming.

  • Learn how to spot a rip and keep clear of it. Rip education videos are on Youtube and watching one could save your life.


South Australian Capacity and Capability Snapshot: 

  • 1 x Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter

  • 2 x Jet Rescue Boats

  • 8 x Rescue Water Craft (Jet Skis)

  • 2 x Professional Lifeguard Services

  • 21 Patrolling Surf Life Saving Clubs and Services

  • 2,693 Patrolling Volunteer Surf Lifesavers