Club Rebuild Program Advances

The Surf Life Saving SA Facilities Management Group (FMG), chaired by Board Director Patrick Hansen, has made significant strides towards completing the Club rebuild program ahead of schedule with several milestone moments currently underway.
Chiton Rocks Surf Life Saving Club was completed at the end of June and Clubbies have moved in to their new digs. The project was completed within a reasonable time of the contracted end date subject to inclement weather delays. Partek constructions have delivered a project of quality finish for $3.53M.
Semaphore Surf Life Saving Club is almost finished, due to be completed on Friday 3rd August 2018. The result will be an upgraded emergency services facility incorporating first aid and training rooms and toilet and change rooms which up is to date with new standards.
Further, the facility has been completed on budget and will house a renovated Recreation area and bar.
The Goolwa Surf Life Saving Club Project has been awarded to Mossop Constructions and the contracted start date is Monday 13th August, the cost of the Project is $3.5M with Council paying an additional $700K for infrastructure. This project is expected to be completed in June 2019.
Aldinga Bay SLSC Emergency Services Facility (rear shed) was awarded to Savills Project Services as a Design and Construct for $1.52M, they are currently preparing contract documentation for the project and have a contracted completion date of January 2019.
Port Elliot SLSC is with Council for Planning Approval which we expect in the next few weeks. This project is $5.5M and will start construction later in 2019.
Surf Life Saving SA’s FMG Officer John Kantilaftas says delivering on the Club rebuild program is not without its challenges particularly when it comes to balancing the wish lists and resources of multiple stakeholders.  “There are a number of stakeholders involved in the delivery of a project, namely the Club, SAFECOM (State Government), Local Councils and Surf Life Saving SA,” said Mr Kantilaftas.
“Ensuring the design fits the purpose of the Club, that design and expectations meet the budget and the commitment of funds from the Club, Council and SAFECOM are our key challenges in any rebuild project,” he said.
Whilst the Club Rebuild Program is heavily funded by State and Local Government, there is still significant fundraising challenges that face all Clubs seeking a rebuild. Mr Kantilaftas urged the surf lifesaving community and the public to support Clubs which are undergoing rebuild projects. “All clubs must supply 11% of the project cost, therefore these clubs achieve this by fundraising and all help of donations and patronage is important for the projects to be able to proceed,” said Mr Kantilaftas.
The next year of work for the Club rebuild program is set aside for Goolwa SLSC, Aldinga Bay SLSC and completing Semaphore SLSC. This will be followed by Port Elliot SLSC with Normanville SLSC, West Beach SLSC and Moana SLSC in line after 2020.
SLSSA will shortly have further information to share on Aldinga Bay Surf Life Saving Club after the recent storms.