Australian Lifeguard Service SA - applications open

Applications are now open for appropriately qualified persons to be considered for the position of Professional Lifeguard with the Australian Lifeguard Service (ALS) in SA.

This is a great opportunity to lifeguard the metropolitan and regional beaches of SA. Services may be provided to Holdfast Bay Council area (Glenelg) and Alexandria Council area (Goolwa), additional work will be available to support schools and events throughout the season. There is a possibility of Lifeguard Services also being implemented at Semaphore for the period of the sand carting for Dept of Environment and Water.

You will find the Circular #C19041 positions vacant/applications open in the Circular section of this website.

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Board Announcements: Adam Luscombe and Rae Lawson

Given the skills mix on the SLSSA Board, the Chair proposed appointing two Directors to fill specific skill sets, as per the constitution. It is therefore with great pleasure that we announce Adam Luscombe and Rae Lawson's appointments to the Surf Life Saving SA Board. Welcome, Adam and Rae!

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Adam Luscombe

Adam is a previous board member of SLSSA with excellent skills and experience in facilities management, major events and environmental management. Adam joined the movement almost 30 years ago and has been involved in many facets of surf lifesaving during that time. As the General Manager of the SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre, newly appointed Chair of the Development Advisory Committee, Chair of the LWC2018 Organising Committee as well as past Chair of the Junior Surf Sports Panel and member of the Surf Sports Advisory Committee, Adam brings a wealth important skills, experience & passion to the board.


Rae Lawson

Rae is the current President of Henley SLSC (3 years), is part of the SLSA Leadership Masterclass program, and has held senior management roles including sales, marketing and business development for multi-nationals. Her 30 year career of working within the FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) industry has seen her work with companies like Smith’s Snackfoods, Sara Lee Corporation, Sanitarium and Bayer as well as 14 years running her own consultancy business assisting small start up businesses. She has a bachelors degree in marketing (RMIT), a post grad in management (Macquarie School of Management) and she’s just completed the Grad Certificate in Business Administration through UniSA with the SLSA Leadership Masterclass. These skills, qualifications and extensive experience, coupled with her passion for Surf Lifesaving make her an excellent addition to the SLSSA board.