New Club Rooms for Chiton Rocks SLSC Officially Opened!

New Club Rooms for Chiton Rocks SLSC Officially Opened!

Surf Life Saving Clubs in South Australia are among the best community facilities in the State with an ongoing commitment from the South Australian Government to rebuild and renovate Clubs each year.

Surf Life Saving SA are currently halfway through the rebuild process and Chiton Rocks Surf Life Saving Club is the latest Club to have undergone the redevelopment process. The stunning new facility was be officially opened by the Emergency Services Minister Hon. Mr Corey Wingard at a ceremony on Saturday 13 October.  

First Day of Patrols for Season 2018/2019

First Day of Patrols for Season 2018/2019

Surf Life Saving SA wished all of our volunteer Surf Lifesavers a safe and successful patrol season for 2018/2019.

We remind the public to always swim between the red and yellow flags and to make sure they educate themselves to the risks before entering any body of water.

South Australian Surf Lifesavers patrol on weekends and public holidays from now until the Easter Long Weekend.

3000 Patrolling Members a Goal for Surf Life Saving SA

3000 Patrolling Members a Goal for Surf Life Saving SA

 Surf Life Saving SA hopes to see their Volunteer Patrol Force reach record levels of coverage this summer with numbers of patrolling lifesavers expected to reach in excess of 3000 for the first time in history. The commitment of Patrolling Members has been steadily increasing for the past decade and Surf Lifesaving SA hope to see the community investment continue.

 “Our goal this year is to reach 3,000 Members on patrol which means we need 300 new Bronze Medallions this season” said Surf Life Saving SA CEO Clare Harris.